Milonga-SPEZIAL: Tangosalón Leipzig – feiert 21. Geburtstag
- Milonga-SPEZIAL: Tangosalón Leipzig – feiert 21. Geburtstag
- 2024-10-25T00:00:00+02:00
- 2024-10-25T23:59:59+02:00
- Der Tango Salon Leipzig, lange Zeit mit dem Namen „alma en vuelo“, schaut auf 21 abwechslungsreiche Jahre zurück. Wir möchten mit Euch und unseren Gästen Natalia Aguero & Agustin Venturino (BsAs) ein Wochenende lang feiern.
- Was Einmalig Leipzig Spezial
- Wann 25.10.2024 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Alle Termine 25.10.2024 26.10.2024 27.10.2024
- Wo Tango Salon Leipzig ; Holbeinstraße 29; Schleußig; 04229 Leipzig
- Name des Kontakts
- Telefon des Kontakts Tel. 0172/3671624
- Web Externe Webseite besuchen
- Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen iCal
Freitag 25.10.
18.15 Uhr WS1 "Combinations of two in tango"
20:00 Uhr Practica "Expanding the limits: One tool to make the dance more creative."
21 Uhr Milonga mit DJ Natalia und Livemusik von Duo Beltango (Eintritt: 20/17€)
Samstag 26.10.
13:00-16:00 Uhr Seminar Teil 1 "The dance language beyond preset shapes"
16.30 Uhr WS2 "Musical phrasing"
21 Uhr Milonga mit DJ Markus und Show von Natalia & Agustin (Eintritt: 15/12€)
Sonntag 27.10.
13:00-16:00 Uhr Seminar Teil 2 "The dance language beyond preset shapes"
Workshops / Seminar mit Natalia Aguero & AgustinVenturino
Seminar: "The dance language beyond preset shapes" (Sa. & So. je 13:00-16:00 Uhr)
In tango, the essence of the dance lies in our ability to connect with our partner, and together with the music. But what exactly does "connection" mean, and how should this connection be established? We believe the answers to these questions are rooted in the underlying language of tango.
Traditionally, dance instruction often revolves around replicating specific dance movements or sequences, and later focusing on refining different technical aspects at each step. Over time, as we repeat and combine these movements, an implicit dance language begins to take shape within us. It could take years, for this unconscious approach of learning the language itself to become recognizable, which finally would free us from rigidly predefined dance forms, and empower us to express together creatively through movement.
We have been for years rethinking whether is possible to make conscious, this unconscious process of learning the dance language itself. Recently, we've developed the idea of "shared waves,” which will primarily focus on uncovering the underlying dance language, allowing you to explore the vast richness and possibilities that tango offers. With this foundation, any dance sequence or movement becomes a mere exercise of implementing this fundamental dance language.
From this point on, the dance language that shapes the movements will lay on your hands and at the service of your own imagination.
Let’s play together!
WS: 30€
Seminar 6h: 120€
Practica: 10€